Saturday, June 26, 2010


For my final project for Teaching with Teachnology, I was given the task of preparing a presentation about Groupboard/Kidsboard. Please feel free to visit the presentation at:

Here are some additional thoughts: Groupboard is a great tool to use for distance learning or tutoring. It is free to use (if you have less than 15 members and no audio). One of the examples from my presentation was on a science foundation that uses groupboard so students can get free tutoring in math and science. Mentors from all over the country can volunteer to tutor these students. What a great way to connect people from different parts of the country AND help students with math and science skills.
As far as using this in the classroom, I am not sure how much I would use it. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to set one up and tell the students when you are going to be on. Maybe keep it the same day and time each week. Students will know that they can sign on and the teacher will be there to answer any questions or explain anything the student may have missed in class. Also, if students are involved in extracurricular activites, i.e. sports or music, sometimes they are not able to stay after school for additional help. This tool will benefit those students because they can get the help right from their house. I don't know, I guess it is something for teachers to think about.
For more information or to try it out go to:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I just finished playing with a new Web 2.0 tool, This is an online grading tool that teachers, parents, and students can use to keep track of grades. As part of this assignment we were asked to create a class, for those that are not currently teaching, like myself. I created a small class of only 5 students. Each student is given an access code. This is what they can use in order to sign on to engrade and view their grades. I really like that students and parents can have the ability to view student progress before the dreaded report cards. Another feature that I like is the ability to weigh certain assignments. This link will give you a screen shot of how I broke down what the students will be graded on and the percentage of each.

It is difficult for me to say what features I would like to add. It seems like everything a teacher would need is provided by the site. However, given a chance to use the website for real, I may find things that could be changed.

As stated earlier, I think that this is a great tool for teachers to use. Gives great access to parents and students. I am wondering if the school or district would have to give approval before a teacher could use the site. Unless, of course, it is for the teachers use only. And no access is given to parents or students. Any thoughts on that?

Creating a Newsletter

As part of the group assignment this week we had to come up with a newsletter that we would send out to parents. I was not able to get on to the meeting where we discussed how we were going to do this. I was given the task of coming up with ways in which teachers and parents can communicate. This last assignment has been much more stressful than any of the past assignments. I think maybe because it is nearing the end of the semester or maybe because I couldn't get on to the meeting, I don't know. Like I said earlier I focused on ways in which teachers could communicate with parents. Here are some of my thoughts:
I think it is so important to start the lines of communication early, even before school starts. Reaching out to parents with a phone call, introducing yourself and welcoming them to your class. During this conversation the teacher may want to ask what is the best way the parent is to be reached, cell phone, email, alternate phone number, etc. I realize that the teacher may not be able to reach all parents. So, another way to communicate is to send out a welcome letter. In the letter the teacher will include their contact information, phone number, email address, web-page address. A small survey will be attached to those parents that were not reached by phone call, the survey will ask what is the perferred method of communication: phone, email, alternate number. The parents will fill that out and return with the student. In the welcome newsletter the teacher will also inform parents of what the students will be learning throughout the year, teacher expectations, and responsibilities of the student. Since ths students are part of a cluster, the same teachers for all core classes, the core teachers will work together to form a cluster web page. This web page will include contact information for each teacher, weekly assignments: homework, projects, test and quiz dates, and any other class news. Parents will be able to frequent the site to find out what their child is working on or to make sure their child is completing the assignments. Also, the teachers can provide a secured link so that parents can monitor their child grades. Access will only be given to the parent or gaurdian of the child. In an urban school environment, parents may not have access to a computer or internet. I think it is important to set up an alternate means of communication so no parent is left in the dark. Each month the cluster teachers could work together to form a newsletter that will be sent out to all parents. This should not be too time consuming since most of the information included in the newletter will already be posted in the web-page.
It is so important that parents do not hear from teachers twice a year for parent-teacher conferences or when the student is misbehaving in class. I believe the newsletter and web-page are great ways to keep the parents connected with what is going on in the classroom

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Information Literacy

I loved this video:
It is so important to teach students where to go to get information, check for reliable sources, and verify the information. It is so true that many people look at a website and take the information as true. I am not going to lie, I do it too. I think this goes back to the fact that librarians are great resources to use to teach students about information literacy.

I am....

a digital immigrant. Before reading the article I was certain I was a digital native. I know my way around the internet, I know how to text, I can send an email. After reading the article I realized that has very little to do with whether you are a native or immigrant. I never thought that students of today were much different from myself, after all I can remember high school, it wasn't that long ago. But the reality is, kids are much different today. While observing for field work I notice that every single student has 1. An iPod 2. A cellphone. They are so in touch with technology. They know exactly where to go to find the information they are looking for. Unfortunatly, I'm sure a majority of these students do not frequent a library very often. When did it become ok to replace libraries with google. I don't know, maybe I am more old school than I thought.

Why Technology?

So, throughout these last few weeks I have been focusing on how to use technology in the classroom. I think the biggest thing that I can take away from these last few weeks ALWAYS need a back up plan. It seems that throughout the last 4 weeks technology has failed, caused frustration, and tempted me to throw my hands in the air and just give up. I am not sure to what extent I will use technology in the classroom, it seems to be more of a headache than helpful....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, I just finished creating my iGoogle page. At first I wasn't sure what to do. So I set up and let it sit for a few days. Today I came back to it and found "Add stuff". So I clicked on it...and wow all these things came up to add to my page. It reminded me of my ipod touch. I guess that's how the name iGoogle came about? Anyway, I added some really neat things, current moon phase, blogger, quotes of the day, youtube, etc. Anyone have any suggestions on what else I could add?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Starting a Blog

Wow, I have to say, I am surprised about how easy this process was. Trying new things, especially when it comes to technology, gives me some anxiety. Setting up this blog took very few steps and it was very user friendly. I am looking forward to posting in the future....